Learn the right way
Verb Roots
Pronunciation and transliteration
Installing Hebrew script on your computer
The Hebrew alphabet
Learning the alphabet while singing
Vocalization – nikud
Soft and hard consonants: v/b, ch/k, f/p – s and sh
Full and defective spelling
The noun (eg “the tree”, “the house”) – singular and plural
The definite article "the“ , the indefinite article "a“
The gender
The verb "to be“ in present
The personal pronouns (eg “I, you, he”)
The adjective (eg small, big)
The position of the adjective after the noun
Adjectives with the male ending –i, female –it
Degrees of adjectives (eg good, better, best)
The dual-plural (eg oznayim – ears)
The verb (eg makes, goes, stands)
The shoresh – the root of the verb
The prepositions be- / in, le- / to, mi- / from
Personal pronouns – dative (to me, to you etc.)
yesh – there is and en – there is not
The verb to have
The dative, formed with the preposition le- – to
More verbs
More prepositions
The merging of prepositions and personal pronouns (eg because of him, after you)
Interrogative sentences without question word begin with ha-im
The 7 conjugations of verbs – ha-binyanim
The genitive (eg king Lear’s death)
The possessive pronoun (my, your, his etc.)
The possessive ending appended to the noun
Forming the accusative with the preposition et
The first binyan: the active conjugation pa’al
The numbers
The 2nd binyan: the active conjugation pi’el
The 3rd binyan: the active conjugation hif’il
Female plural form in male nouns – and vice versa
The 4th binyan: the reflective conjugation hitpa’el
Past tense of Hebrew pa’al – form
Past tense of the binyan pi’el
Past tense of the binyan hif’il
Past tense of the binyan hitpa’el
The smichut: the die composed form of nouns (eg mishpachat + levi / the Levy family)
The future tense of active verbs
The future tense of binyan pa’al
The future of binyan kal
The future tense of the pa’al-verb liheyot – to be
Future tense of the binyan pi’el
Future tense of the binyan hif’il
Future tense of the binyan hitpa’el
The passive binyanim: nif’al, pu’al, huf’al
The 5th binyan: nif’al (passive of pa’al) – nif’al in present tense
Nif’al-verbs with active meaning
Nif’al in past tense
The passive participle
Relative sentences
The subjunctive: to be in past tense + verb in present
Sequence of tenses and reported speech
The derivation of nouns from pa’al-, pi’el- and hif’il-verbs
The imperative – eg go!
The verb to become: the nif’al of to be
to become in colloquial Hebrew: hofech, nehefach, ne’esah
The 6th binyan: pu’al
The 7th binyan: huf’al
The future tense of the binyan nif’al
The future of the binyan pu’al
The future of the binyan huf’al