Lesson 12
1. The smichut: the die composed form of nouns
The word smichut – composed form of nouns – derives from the adjective samuch – near.
Composed nouns are frequent in Hebrew. For the better understanding we insert a + between composed nouns in the transliteration. Mostly, nouns alter somewhat when in composed form.
Smichut is formed as follows:
Airport ("field of flight") - שדה תעופה sde+te’ufah
Night watch ("watch of night") - שומר לילה somer+laila
In composed forms with the definite article “the” the article ha- is placed before the second word, except in compositions with family as shown below. The vocalization often changes somewhat in smichut.
Example: Sade (field) becomes Sde+ , or machlakah (department) becomes machleket+.
The relative [M] ("close to the family") - קרוב המשפחה karov+ha-mishpachah
The department manager ("manager the department") - מנהל המחלקה menahel+ha-machlakah
If the first word is of feminine gender and has an ending on –ah, the he alters into a tav.
The Levy family - משפחת לווי mishpachat+levi
A relative [F] - קרובת משפחה krovat+mishpachah
Bookkeeping - הנהלת חשבונות hanhalat +cheshbonot
Food department - מחלקת מזון machleket + mazon
When the first word of the smichut is male plural, the ending –im changes into –eh.
Relatives - קרובי משפחה kroveh+mishpachacha
Guards of the tora - שומרי תורה shomreh+torah
2. The future tense of active verbs
Future in Hebrew is atid.
Future forms can be used with or without personal pronouns. I will pursue can thus be translated as ani erdof or simply erdof.
The 2nd person (i.e. you) can also denote the imperative (command form). Thus tirdof can mean you will pursue or pursue!.
The prohibitive form (do not!) is always followed by the 2nd person future tense.
The 3rd person he will … or they will … can also mean he should … or they should …
3. The future tense of binyan pa’al
of rodef – pursues, lirdof – to pursue

4. The future tense of binyan kal
of kam – rises; lakum – to rise

5. The future tense of the pa’al-verb liheyot – to be
Of hayas – was (there is no present tense): liheyot– to be

6. The future tense of binyan pi’el
of medaber – speaks; ledaber – to speak

7. The future tense of binyan hif’il
of mazmin – invites; lehazmin – to invite

8. The future tense of binyan hitpa’el
of mitlabesh – dresses; lehitlabesh – to dress