Lesson 10
1. The 3rd binyan: the active conjugation hif’il
The 3rd binyan is the hif’il. hif’il means he activated. hif’il-verbs mostly bring about something. They are often transitive, i.e. they are often used with accusative-objects – eg to begin something. The vocalization a-i in present tense suggests that the verb is of the binyan hif’il.
Hif’il-verbs in present tense:

Note: (the following points refer to present tense).
The vocalization of and the female forms of verbs with a chet or ayin as third consonant of the shoresh, eg hu matzia, he proposes, hi maziah (stress on last syllable), she proposes.
The vocalization of verbs with a yud as first consonant of the shoresh, as in hu morid, he lowers – the yud is changed into a vav.
2. Female plural form in male nouns – and vice versa
Some male nouns have female plural endings.

Most three-syllable nouns ending in -on have a female plural ending, but are generally male.

Male plural forms in female nouns are rarer.
Singular: מילה - milah
Plural: מילים - milim
Singular: שנה - shana
Plural: שנים - shanim
Singular: יונה - yonah
Plural: יונים - yonim