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Learn Hebrew

The right way and for Free!

Fast-Track Hebrew Course thanks to Transliteration!

What makes this Hebrew course different? We have transliterated the entire text into English. This is based on the experience that the biggest difficulty in learning Hebrew is fluent reading, and that for this reason many eager beginners fail in an early stage.

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Our system

With our system you can focus your efforts from start on the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar and you don’t get stuck in cracking undecipherable Hebrew texts.

You will be introduced swiftly into the system of Hebrew conjugations.

Once you are familiar with the grammar and have acquired a sufficient vocabulary, you will find out for yourself that reading Hebrew is no witchcraft.

Furthermore you will find a useful register with verb roots (shoresh – שורש) of most used verbs, with each shoresh shown in the conjugations (binyanim – בניינים) it can take on, with the respective translations, and the passive participles (e.g. sold) which derive from the respective root.

!בהצלחה         Good Luck!


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